Are you looking for new ways to make your company more visible? Not reaching your KPIs? Need more engagement on your company's online presence?
Common misconceptions about TikTok & Instagram: “They’re only for B2C, not B2B.”
“They’re for Gen Z & Millennials only.” Actually, over 50% of TikTok-ers are older than 30…
In this blog, you’ll get the why, the who, and the how to use Instagram and TikTok for your B2B company.
The Future of Your Business’s Marketing
Every good business plan includes a plan for the future. It’s all about the long game, right? So what about your future—marketing plan?
Gen Z and millennials are joining the workforce, and while they may eventually open a LinkedIn account, their bread and butter right now are TikTok and Instagram. While their buyer’s journey might be long, now could be the ideal time to get them into your funnel and help them fall in love with your brand, so in a few years, you will be their first choice when it’s time to buy... or recommend to their peers.
Let other businesses put these social media platforms on the back burner because they think they’re “too young for the B2B world.” They’ll miss out later while you will have sowed the seeds that could grow a forest of brand advocates, brand ambassadors, and customers.
If your target audience isn’t Gen Z now, it likely will be in the future… and by then it will be much harder to dive into the platforms that are continuously growing.
B2B, B2C… P2P?
“People do not buy goods and services. They buy relations, stories & magic.” - Seth Godin
The laundry list of the differences between Business to Business (B2B) Marketing and Business to Consumer (B2C) Marketing is very long. However, despite the many differences, all marketing is P2P (Person to Person).
This is why connecting is so important. That is why your marketing should foster connections, attachment, trust, and emotions.
People are no longer buying products or services from ads on billboards, or cartoons in magazines; people are buying from PEOPLE.
Platforms like TikTok and Instagram allow your audience to get to know the people behind the business. Through short-form videos on TikTok and Instagram reels, it allows you to be more authentic with humor, entertainment, and showing the behind-the-scenes of your company. TikTok and Instagram allow others to follow you, get to know you, and TRUST you.
Once your audience feels like they know you, you would be so much more likely to be trusted, and later, you would be their first choice for buying. If you do it really well, they will be craving more of your content constantly.
How to do B2B Marketing with TikTok and Instagram
Build Trust
We trust people when we feel like we know them. It’s important that when people are still in the ‘consideration’ stage, they can get to know your business, your product, your service, AND the people working within the company through social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram.
One of the main reasons people don’t engage with content online is because of the publicity of the engagement. (I personally don’t always engage because my grandmother is on Linkedin, Facebook, and Instagram. So when I engage on posts, I know she, alongside a million other people are seeing it. It makes me think twice before engaging.)
On Instagram stories, engagement is private. People can engage with the company and only you, the page you engaged with, and your algorithm will know! (Not your grandma, your boss, or anyone else!)
Embrace the fun!
Here are a few examples of B2B content that I appreciate -
- Monday.com is following trending entertainment videos.
- HubSpot is sharing company values in a creative way.
- @Hardwaresavvy has over 1 million followers teaching tech, and sharing PC, app, gadget, and EV car reviews in a short and fun way.
- ClickUp is a B2B app with almost 5k followers. They’re showing people how to use the app & the benefits in a fun and effortless way.
- McLaren is delivering the feeling of the most thrilling driving experience through their Instagram reels. (It’s B2C, but could you “test drive” your software or tech product in short, exciting videos?)
- CyberProof posts employer branding posts to help their audience connect with them.
- Tech Blogger, Hillel Fuld, is sharing quick marketing tips, and experts in the tech world with over 10k followers on his Instagram.
Create content that builds trust in a creative way making your target audience want to engage with your content.
B2B content on TikTok & Instagram should aim to increase brand awareness, connections, and trust by showing off your company’s character and allowing your audience to get to know the people behind the business.
Social media for B2B is really just social media for P2P. We’ll be seeing a lot more of Millenials and Gen Z in the B2B world very soon. Meet them now before they meet your competitors first.

by Jordana Mark Ostrov on September 08, 2022
Jordana is a digital marketing specialist at Penguin Strategies. She is a self-educated, millennial, who's passionate about digital marketing and is always looking to learn new things in the field.