Every marketing manager has some form of content strategy intact. However, a content strategy is useless if you’re not monitoring, tracking and analyzing it, and finally working towards improving it.
To be a successful inbound marketer, you first need to review consumption, retention, shares, engagement, leads, and sales. This data will give you insights into your strengths and weaknesses. After carefully and continuously reviewing your metrics, you can finally map out a strategy to implement that will help to achieve your goals.
Obviously, marketers have a goal in mind when they set up their content strategy, but they still need to maintain all of their metrics. Some marketers aim to increase customer ratings, see more website visitors, increase visibility within their industry, increase authority or spread awareness. The list goes on.
So how can you achieve these goals? While there are several different ways, such as in-person events, webinars, email campaigns, and so on, there is one activity in particular that‘s accessible to everyone and also extremely effective.
The Benefits of B2B Blogs
Blogging used to be seen as an activity for amateurs. Nowadays, when implemented habitually, blogging increasingly contributes to business success. Company blogs, for one thing, bring in more high quality leads. They also influence increased website views, receive more indexed pages and rank higher in SEO. These companies are also portrayed as more knowledgeable and credible sources.
While many businesses have integrated company blogs into their marketing strategy, there are many businesses that still have not. Whatever the case, businesses lacking blogs are losing out on potential leads and customers. Take a look at some statistics to why you should start a company blog.
Shape your Content Strategy
I explored multiple content marketing lists and blogs to find the top stats from the past year. I researched what’s trending and what’s not, what works and what doesn’t, as well as predictions based on past performances.
Here are 21 of the best blogging stats that can help you improve future campaigns:
2. 76% of B2B marketers say they will produce more content in 2016.
3. 69% of marketers say they plan to increase the amount of blogs published this year.
4. 85% of B2B marketers say quality lead generation will be their most important content marketing goal in 2016.
5. In 2016, 67% more leads will be generated by companies with an active blog.
6. Brands that create 15 blog posts per month average 1,200 new leads per month.
7. 60% of B2B marketers report that their top challenge in 2016 will be producing engaging content
8. 57% of marketers say producing content consistently will be their biggest struggle.
8. People retain 65% of the information three days later, when an image is paired with the information.
Articles with an image once every 75-100 words got double the number of social shares than articles with fewer images.
Marketers who prioritize blogging are 13 times more likely to achieve a positive ROI on their efforts.
Blogs have been rated as the5th most trusted source for accurate online information.
Websites with blogs have 434% more indexed pages than those that don’t.
70% of customers say blogs influence what they buy.
78% of consumers believe business that provides custom content are interested in building good relationships.
Adding between 21-51 blog posts boosts traffic by up to 30%.
After adding over 52 blogs, your traffic increases by 77%.
Companies that blog receive 97% more inbound links than those that don’t.
95% of business with a blog report higher search ranks.
71% of business bloggers say their blog increased visibility in their industries.
Companies that blog have 55% more visitors than those who don’t.
Now that you’ve reviewed the trends, you’ll have a better time putting together a new content calendar. And remember, to keep an eye on your content marketing stats!
by Gabi Yanover on May 27, 2016
Gabi is the Director of Implementation Team at Penguin Strategies. She is passionate about yoga, traveling, and Marketing Tech solutions.