Blog - Penguin Strategies

68 Social Media Facts & Stats That Will Blow Your Mind

Written by The Penguin Team | May 16, 2016 10:02:37 AM


Note we have updated this blog with more recent stats and facts in the blog 2023 Social Media Facts and Stats That will Blow Your Mind.

We are happy to share with you 68 facts & stats about social media that will blow your minds!

68 Facts and Stats about Social Media 


  1. Every 60 seconds, 2,460,000 pieces of content are shared on Facebook

  2. 216,000 photos are published to Instagram every minute.

  3. Pinterest achieved the 10 million unique monthly visitor milestone faster than any other website in history, accomplishing this impressive feat in around one year.

  4. New York City is the most frequently geotagged city on Instagram, and Times Square is the second-most geotagged place.

  5. There are 3 billion active social media users.

  6. Social networks earned an estimated $8.3 billion from advertising in 2015.

  7. Snapchat users watch 6 billion videos every day.

  8. More than 16 billion photos have been uploaded to Instagram since launch.

  9. Two new users join LinkedIn every second.

  10. Every minute, 8,333 videos are shared through

  11. Almost 20 million SlideShare presentations have been uploaded to LinkedIn.

  12. 3% of all internet searches are carried out by Google.

  13. By 2014, Google had indexed 30,000,000,000,000 pages of the internet.

  14. Approximately 41% of millionaires use LinkedIn.

  15. Instagram launched on October 6, 2010. By December 21, 2010, the service had more than 1 million users. It took Twitter more than two years to accomplish this level of growth.

  16. Approximately 81% of American women trust Pinterest as an authoritative source of news and information.

  17. 500 million people visit Twitter each month without logging in.

  18. There is a total of 3 billion Twitter  accounts , but only 320 million are active.

  19. 4,320 minutes of video are uploaded to YouTube a minute.

  20. It took 3 years, 2 months and 1 day to go from the first Tweet to the billionth.

  21. 77% of B2B companies have acquired new customers through their Facebook presence.

  22. The median number of friends the average Millennial Facebook user has in their network is 250.

  23. There are 3.25 billion hours of video watched each month on YouTube.

  24. 90% of Instagram users are younger than 35.

  25. 93% of marketers use social media for business.

  26. 64% of B2B buyers rate social media as the second most important factor in their online search strategy.

  27. Pizza is the most popular Instagrammed food, behind sushi and steak.

  28. On Facebook, The optimal times for posting to get the highest amount of shares and clicks is between 1pm and 3pm.

  29. For the 18-49 age group, YouTube has greater reach than any cable network.

  30. The best days to Tweet  in the B2B sector are market are Monday through Friday between 12pm and 6pm.

  31. 32% of US teens cite Instagram as their favourite social network.

  32. The average CTR of Facebook ads in the United States is .14%. However, in the United Kingdom, the average CTR of a Facebook ad is 27%.

  33. Approximately 80% of world leaders have Twitter accounts.

  34. The largest online dating site is actually a social network:

  35. One wrong social media post can ruin your life for good and destroy your reputation (especially if you are a public figure).

  36. The best time to Pin is Saturday from 8pm-11pm

  37. US adults spend an average of 1 hour, 16 minutes each day watching video on digital devices.

  38. Almost 10% of Americans use Twitter during work hours (good thing I HAVE to be on Twitter for work)

  39. 77% of B2B buyers are more likely to buy from a company whose CEO is on social media.

  40. 22% of social media marketing activities are performed by outside agencies.

  41. YouTube has the highest engagement and lowest bounce rate.

  42. 64% of sales professionals reported closing at least one deal in 2014 as a direct result of using social media.

  43. Facebook drives more referrals than any other social platform.

  44. Google has answered 450 billion unique queries since 2003.

  45. Tumblr has 230 million active monthly users worldwide, and is adding 120,000 new users each day.

  46. Social media is viewed as the second-most effective digital marketing tactic for customer retention purposes, behind only email.

  47. The average Twitter user has 208 followers

  48. Tweets featuring images receive 18% more clicks than those without.

  49. There are an estimated 81 million fake Facebook profiles.

  50. More than 1 billion endorsements have been made on LinkedIn since its launch in 2003.

  51. In 2014, the most overused word in LinkedIn profiles was “motivated".

  52. The average CTR of Twitter ads is between 1-3%.

  53. There are 40 million active small business pages on Facebook.

  54. When Instagram introduced videos, more than 5 million were shared in 24 hours.

  55. 23% of Facebook users check their account at least 5 times a day.

  56. Every second, 2 new members join LinkedIn.

  57. Over 80 million photos are uploaded each day to Instagram.

  58. There are 5 billion Instagram Likes per day.

  59. In 2014, male audience on Pinterest grew 41% and their average time spent on Pinterest tripled to more than 75 minutes per visitor.

  60. Instagram’s per-follower engagement rate is 58 times higher than Facebook’s and 120 times higher than Twitter’s.

  61. 53% of millennials would rather lose their sense of smell than their technology.

  62. Selfie” is now a word in Webster.

  63. 1 out of every 5 new couples met online.

  64. The user submitted video with the most views on YouTube is “Charlie bit my finger”, with 834,956,899 views.

  65. Pinterest generates more than 400% more revenue per click than Twitter, and 27% more per click than Facebook.

  66. Half of internet users who do not use Facebook themselves live with someone who does.

  67. Facebook adds 500,000 new users every day; 6 new profiles every second.

  68. Israel is now using social media to prevent terrorist attacks and keep the world a safer place.

I hope you all learned something new from those 68 facts and stats about social media (we certainly did). In the comments below, please share more interesting facts about social media.